Course Description
In this NCBTMB Continuing Education Approved Course, Beyond the Foam Roller; Self-applied myofascial compression for the elimination of trigger points in the lower body, provided to us by Mary Biancalana of Muscle Health LLC, you will be given muscle by muscle-specific self-care application techniques to eliminate referred pain and/or sensation, and to help restore full pain-free range of motion in the muscles of the lower body. This course is a series of interesting and fun videos that will take you step-by-step and teach you how to apply trigger point pressure release to individual muscles in the low back, glutes, and all the way down to your toes, to eliminate very specific pain and sensation. This course is based on the body of knowledge within the 7-step myofascial trigger point therapy treatment protocol.
At a bare minimum, you will need a very simple tool, a tennis ball in a sock, and a 5” playground ball. If you want to follow along with the videos using the same tools as are featured, you can acquire a 5-inch compression ball and a stretch strap from From the Tiger Tail company you can use a 2.5” ball on a rope, hand-held Tiger Tail roller, 5” Tiger Ball, Curve Ball. From the Pressure Positive company; the Backnobber II, Jacknobber, Index knobber.
Course Curriculum
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Hello and Welcome
Options to Order Equipment Featured in this Class
Lower Body Key Concept Study Guide
Chapter 17 Complete Guide to Massage from the book TrP Therapy for Low Back Pain ... If your browser does not have a PDF reader, just follow the usual steps by clicking on the "download" icon (down arrow) to the right of this text.
Introduction to the Class
Lower Body Learning Objectives
Beyond the Foam Roller: Other Tools We Will Use in This Class
Your First Visit to Our Trigger Point Clinic
7-Step Trigger Point Protocol - Massage Magazine - Please Read
For reference only - 2010, Journal of Movement and Bodywork Therapies: “Effect of Ischemic Compression Using Backnobber II Device on Discomfort Associated With Myofascial Trigger Points”, Dawn Gulick, Widener University, not required reading
For reference only - 2018, Pain Medicine. by Fernandez-de-las-Penas & Dommerholt. “International Consensus on Diagnostic Criteria and Clinical Considerations of Myofascial Trigger Points: A Delphi Study” - not required reading for this course
Lesson 1: Low Back & Abdominals
Introduction to Low Back & Abdominals
Backnobber Helpful Hints
Using Backnobber on Spinal Erectors That Are Causing Buttocks Pain
Pain When Twisting: Backnobber on Multifidi
Eliminating Back Pain with Backnobber (Laying on Floor)
Self-Care for Spinal Erectors Using Backnobber, Tennis Ball, & Foam Roller
Self-Care for Lower Back Pain Caused by Abdominal Muscles: 5" Ball on Abs & Psoas
Stretch for Psoas with Mary's Daughter AnnMarie
Lesson 2: Glutes & Hip
Introduction to Glutes and Hip
Trigger Point for Low Back Pain (Useful Self-Care Tools) - Massage Magazine - Please Read
Self-Care for Buttocks, Low Back, or Hip Pain Caused by Gluteus Medius
Using 5" Ball on Gluteus Medius to Prevent Lower Back Pain
Self-Care for "Sciatica" or Gluteus Minimus Trigger Points Using a 5" Ball
Self-Care for Piriformis Muscle Causing Pain to Mimic "Hip Bursitis"
Self-Care for Gluteals & Hip Using 5" Ball & Tiger Tail Curve Ball
Lesson 3: Thigh & Knee
Introduction to Thigh and Knee
Fast Relief of Knee Pain (Rectus Femoris)
Self-Care For Hip & Thigh Pain: Tensor Fasciae Latae (TFL)
Self-Care for Side of Thigh Pain, Vastus Lateralis (IT Band Pain)
Self-Care for Quads & Thigh
Self-Care for Inside of Knee Pain: 5" Ball on Adductor Trigger Points
Advanced Technique for Knee & Thigh Pain: Stretch Strap & 5" Ball on Adductors & Quads
Self-Care for Buttocks & Back of Thigh Pain Due to Hamstring Trigger Points
Lesson 4: Calf, Ankle, & Foot
Introduction to Calf, Ankle, and Foot
Self-Care for "Shin Splints" Trigger Point Pain
Self-Care for Calf Cramps with Tiger Tail Handheld Roller
Treatment for Calf Cramps with Jacknobber
Self-Care to Eliminate Heel Pain
Self-Care for Bottom of Foot Pain: Gastroc-Soleus Muscles in the Calf
Self-Care for Ankle & Side of Shin Pain (sprained ankle) Using Jacknobber & Tiger Tail Tools
Self-Care for Bottom of Foot Pain Near the Toes Using Jacknobber and Other Handheld Tools
Final Exam
Continuing Education Certificate Notice
Final Exam for Lower Body
Course Evaluation
Lower Body Course Evaluation
FAQs and Important Course Information
What can I expect from this class?
You can expect to learn the most up-to-date information on applied trigger point pressure release to the muscles of the low back and lower body using tools that are ‘beyond the foam roller’. These tools can be used to restore normal resting length in contracted muscle fiber bundles that contain trigger points. Within the course, there will be some written material that you will read, and the remainder of the material will be taught via digitally recorded video.
Will this class provide me with my NCBTMB continuing education hours?
Absolutely. Yes! Mary Biancalana and Muscle Health LLC are NCBTMB approved providers of continuing education for massage therapists. Our approved provider number is 451298-10.
Once I start this online class, can I stop and start up again later?
Yes, our website education host allows you to stop and start anytime, and you can pick up again where you left off. You can even start the programming on one device like your cell phone, then you can log back in on your laptop and pick up where you left off on your cell phone.
Will there be a quiz associated with this class?
Yes, in order to receive NCBTMB continuing education credits, this course will be providing a 15 question multiple-choice quiz at the end. The quiz questions are based on the material that is provided during the course.
How long will it take me to complete this course?
Based on the guidelines provided by NCBTMB, this is a three-hour continuing education course, that should take you 3 hours to complete.
Do I need to complete this course in one sitting?
No, you do not need to complete the course all at one time. You can stop and start at any time. And when you log on the education software will bring you back to where you left off.
What happens if I do not get a passing score on the quiz?
According to NCBTMB regulations, participants need to pass the provided quiz with a minimum of 70% correct. If you do not score a 70% on the quiz, the education software will bring you back to the beginning and allow you to retake the quiz until you are able to achieve a passing score of 70.
Will I receive a continuing education certificate upon completion of this course?
Yes, at a 70% completion of the course exam, we will be notified. We will be sending an email to you with the PDF of your Continuing Education Certificate attached within 5 business days.
Be sure to save this certificate, as we will charge you $15.00 if you need another copy of it at a later date.
Course Expiration:
Once you pay for this online course, you have one year to complete it. Then at the end of one year, the link will shut down and you will not be able to retrieve the course.
NCBTMB Course Approval :
This course and the provider; Muscle Health, LLC (owned by Mary Biancalana) is an NCBTMB approved provider of continuing education. Our Provider number is 451298-10
On her website, Mary Biancalana identifies her many seminars as falling under the title of Advanced Trigger Point Seminars. Mary also teaches live, hands-on seminars under the same NCBTMB Approved Provider status, so contact us if you are interested in live, in-person training courses.
[email protected] 773-628-7654
Copyright Note:
The material within this course and the way in which it is organized and taught as well as the image and videos of Mary Biancalana and the voice of Mary Biancalana are copyright by Muscle Health, LLC. The videos, Mary’s voice, or the description of any of the particular techniques taught in this way by Mary Biancalana cannot be taught within other for-fee seminars unless permission is requested of us and granted by Muscle Health, LLC and Mary Biancalana. Many of our videos are for personal and public use on our YouTube channel; Chicago Center for Myofascial Pain Relief.
Disclaimer Note:
This online training course should in no way serve as a substitute for qualified medical care. If you have pain or discomfort in any of the areas described, it is your responsibility to seek the advice of a qualified medical professional. Muscle Health LLC, Mary Biancalana, and other instructors will take not any liability for any injuries or discomfort acquired during the application of these techniques. It is your duty as the student to make your choice together with your healthcare provider as to whether or not you are healthy enough to participate in application of these techniques included but not limited to trigger point pressure release.
In alignment with the AMTA’s online refund policy, Muscle Health, LLC will not offer any refunds
to our online courses.